To strive for excellence  in welfare activities

To strive for excellence  in welfare activities

Team Karachi

Team Karachi

What we do

Helping each other can make world better

Our Mission

To work for the up-liftment of underprivileged members of society through welfare and social development activities.

Our Story

TK’s journey began over a decade ago, when Pakistan was hit by massive rains and flooding in 2009-10 – Read More

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Sadqa-e-Jaria Projects

Allah (swt) guarantees to record these continuous acts of charity in the following verse:

إِنّا نَحنُ نُحيِي المَوتىٰ وَنَكتُبُ ما قَدَّموا وَآثارَهُم ۚ وَكُلَّ شَيءٍ أَحصَيناهُ في إِمامٍ مُبينٍ

“Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have accounted for in a clear register.” (Qur’an, 36:12)

At Team Karachi Welfare Society (International), we offer a wide range of Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects to suit every budget. From Masjid & Maktab Projects to Water Projects. Our Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects enable people to help themselves beyond the initial intervention, ensuring that they reap the benefits for years to come InshaAllah!

Allah (swt) guarantees to record these continuous acts of charity in the following verse:

إِنّا نَحنُ نُحيِي المَوتىٰ وَنَكتُبُ ما قَدَّموا وَآثارَهُم ۚ وَكُلَّ شَيءٍ أَحصَيناهُ في إِمامٍ مُبينٍ

“Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have accounted for in a clear register.” (Qur’an, 36:12)

At Team Karachi Welfare Society (International), we offer a wide range of Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects to suit every budget. From Masjid & Maktab Projects to Water Projects. Our Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects enable people to help themselves beyond the initial intervention, ensuring that they reap the benefits for years to come InshaAllah!

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“For one who builds a Mosque for Allah where Allah is remembered, Allah will build a house in Paradise for him” (Muslim)

The importance of mosques in a Muslim society cannot be overlooked. It is the basic structure of an Islamic society and center for support, worship, social and cultural activities. It is a source of inspiration for Muslims, promotes brotherhood among them, and serves as a center of teaching and learning and a center of community welfare. Allah Almighty has promised to bless the homes of those people who build a mosque in many folds not only in this world but in the life after as well. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also started the construction of mosques at first priority after Hijrah to Madina Munawwarah. In Islam special prominence has been to the construction of mosques and to their roles in society.

Masjid-and-Makatib-4--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTeam Karachi believes in smart construction of Mosques and Makatib-e-Quraniya through its project where TK hires professional people from within the local community – also opening ventures for jobs. During the last couple of years, TK has constructed and rehabilitated around 47 mosques in various parts of the country especially in the rural areas of interior Sindh and Punjab. Majority of these mosques also provide informal education to children in the form of “Maktab School” both Islamic and conventional education. An estimated number of 640 children are getting benefits from these projects through at 16 Makaatib-e-Quraniya.

Team Karachi also provides support in repairs and maintenance in some cases. 

Cost of a mosque varies on case to case basis from PKR.1 million to 10 million.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“For one who builds a Mosque for Allah where Allah is remembered, Allah will build a house in Paradise for him” (Muslim)

The importance of mosques in a Muslim society cannot be overlooked. It is the basic structure of an Islamic society and center for support, worship, social and cultural activities. It is a source of inspiration for Muslims, promotes brotherhood among them, and serves as a center of teaching and learning and a center of community welfare. Allah Almighty has promised to bless the homes of those people who build a mosque in many folds not only in this world but in the life after as well. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also started the construction of mosques at first priority after Hijrah to Madina Munawwarah. In Islam special prominence has been to the construction of mosques and to their roles in society.

Masjid-and-Makatib-4--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTeam Karachi believes in smart construction of Mosques and Makatib-e-Quraniya through its project where TK hires professional people from within the local community – also opening ventures for jobs. During the last couple of years, TK has constructed and rehabilitated around 47 mosques in various parts of the country especially in the rural areas of interior Sindh and Punjab. Majority of these mosques also provide informal education to children in the form of “Maktab School” both Islamic and conventional education. An estimated number of 640 children are getting benefits from these projects through at 16 Makaatib-e-Quraniya.

Team Karachi also provides support in repairs and maintenance in some cases. 

Cost of a mosque varies on case to case basis from PKR.1 million to 10 million.

According to UNICEF, 884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is about one out of eight people in the world.

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.4 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 4,000 deaths a day or one every 20 seconds.

Pakistan, like many other developing countries is confronted with the same problem – availability of safe drinking water. Almost 50 percent of Pakistanis lacked assess to clean drinking water. In many parts of the country, there is also the problem of water scarcity. According to Pakistan Social & Living Standards Measurement Survey 2010-11, conducted by the Government of Pakistan, 6% of the rural population depends on low quality water sources including dug wells, rivers, streams, canals, ponds etc. for fulfilling their drinking water requirements.

Realizing the need and importance of clean drinking water, Team Karachi initiated a number of water projects. After formal surveys and understanding the land, it was realized that it some locations normal hand pumps were sufficient, while in other locations deep hand pumps and in certain cases solar summer pumps with water tanks are proposed to meet the water requirements. Costs of the pumps vary in Sindh and Punjab based on the depth of availability of water.

Project Implementation Locations

Sindh: Karachi Lower Sindh, Upper Sindh, Thar Desert Diplo, Nangar Parker and Islam Kot South Punjab

Cost of Different Water Projects:

According to UNICEF, 884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is about one out of eight people in the world.

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.4 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 4,000 deaths a day or one every 20 seconds.

Pakistan, like many other developing countries is confronted with the same problem – availability of safe drinking water. Almost 50 percent of Pakistanis lacked assess to clean drinking water. In many parts of the country, there is also the problem of water scarcity. According to Pakistan Social & Living Standards Measurement Survey 2010-11, conducted by the Government of Pakistan, 6% of the rural population depends on low quality water sources including dug wells, rivers, streams, canals, ponds etc. for fulfilling their drinking water requirements.

Realizing the need and importance of clean drinking water, Team Karachi initiated a number of water projects. After formal surveys and understanding the land, it was realized that it some locations normal hand pumps were sufficient, while in other locations deep hand pumps and in certain cases solar summer pumps with water tanks are proposed to meet the water requirements. Costs of the pumps vary in Sindh and Punjab based on the depth of availability of water.

Project Implementation Locations

Sindh: Karachi Lower Sindh, Upper Sindh, Thar Desert Diplo, Nangar Parker and Islam Kot South Punjab

Cost of Different Water Projects:

This pump can actively work for more than 5-7 years’ subject to its regular maintenance.

This pump can actively work for more than 15 years’ subject to its regular maintenance.

This pump can actively work for more than 15 years’ subject to its regular maintenance specially its solar plates and electric motor.

This well can be run for more than 50 years. It consists on solar energy system with water storage tank and this well is suited for agriculture purposes.



A tree provides us with fresh air and oxygen without which the existence of life on earth is impossible. We need to do more tree plantation campaigns as trees not only provide with oxygen but also play an essential role in the ecology. Ecological imbalance can cause flood, drought and various other natural calamities that can lead to the destruction of life. Planting trees is also a Sadqa-e-Jariya. For example, it is Sadaqa to give a poor person one bowl of olives, but it is Sadaqa-e-Jariya to plant an olive tree that will be of benefit for generations to come.

Cost of one Tree Plantation PRS.1,000/- including all relevant expense.



A tree provides us with fresh air and oxygen without which the existence of life on earth is impossible. We need to do more tree plantation campaigns as trees not only provide with oxygen but also play an essential role in the ecology. Ecological imbalance can cause flood, drought and various other natural calamities that can lead to the destruction of life. Planting trees is also a Sadqa-e-Jariya. For example, it is Sadaqa to give a poor person one bowl of olives, but it is Sadaqa-e-Jariya to plant an olive tree that will be of benefit for generations to come.

Cost of one Tree Plantation PRS.1,000/- including all relevant expense.

Social Development

Due to the rise in poverty in Pakistan, underprivileged and/or people living below the poverty line cannot afford to get their daughters married with dignity and pride. 


Marriage is a moral safeguard as well as a social obligation, it is through marriages that families are established.

TK does not advocate the tradition of giving Jahaiz, but we provide assistance as a social requirement. Many girls do not get married due to lack of essential goods/household materials for use after matrimonial.

TK teams ensures that an investigation into a marriage assistance request is conducted and upon the findings, eligible cases are provided with this fund. Self-respect of the requester is ensured throughout the process. Monetary assistance is not provided.

Due to the rise in poverty in Pakistan, underprivileged and/or people living below the poverty line cannot afford to get their daughters married with dignity and pride. 


Marriage is a moral safeguard as well as a social obligation, it is through marriages that families are established.

TK does not advocate the tradition of giving Jahaiz, but we provide assistance as a social requirement. Many girls do not get married due to lack of essential goods/household materials for use after matrimonial.

TK teams ensures that an investigation into a marriage assistance request is conducted and upon the findings, eligible cases are provided with this fund. Self-respect of the requester is ensured throughout the process. Monetary assistance is not provided.

Items included are;

  • Dinner Set
  • Iron
  • Hot Pot Set
  • Water Set
  • Water Cooler
  • Bathroom Set
  • Juicer/Food Machine
  • Blanket
  • Steel Pots Set
  • Bed Sheet Set
  • Some cloths

Some other kitchen related items


There are 842 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in eight people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life.

Team Karachi follows a regular practice of food distribution to the needy and under privileged segment of communities who are unable to afford or earn through their rashan packages. More than 350 families are registered with TK and they are provided with monthly rashan amounting to PKR. 5000/bag. This activity is still a mainstay of our efforts, and enhances during the Holy Month of Ramazan.


There are 842 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in eight people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life.

Team Karachi follows a regular practice of food distribution to the needy and under privileged segment of communities who are unable to afford or earn through their rashan packages. More than 350 families are registered with TK and they are provided with monthly rashan amounting to PKR. 5000/bag. This activity is still a mainstay of our efforts, and enhances during the Holy Month of Ramazan.

Most people have little-used or unused clothes clogging up their closet. If everyone sorted out and donated items, there would be millions of items of clothing that could benefit people in need and humanitarian aid projects.

According to the EPA, it costs $45 on average per ton to dispose of waste in a landfill. Clothing that sits in landfill releases toxic greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the environment when they break down. All of these things can be avoided if you donate your clothes for reuse and also your household items.

Therefore, it makes sense to give your clothes and household items a second life and pass them on to a charity organization. This protects the environment, does good and supports the vision of a sustainable circular economy.

Team Karachi has been on the forefront in encouraging people to donate their old stuff and bring smiles to the less privileged class of society. Items which are entertained for collection and redistribution include furniture, electronics, books, medicines, worn clothes, utensils, wood, metal and all the other kinds of entities.

The process is simply – you need to call from “contact us” our representatives and they will reach your house, factories, shops, or wherever you want and will collect the items.

Most people have little-used or unused clothes clogging up their closet. If everyone sorted out and donated items, there would be millions of items of clothing that could benefit people in need and humanitarian aid projects.

According to the EPA, it costs $45 on average per ton to dispose of waste in a landfill. Clothing that sits in landfill releases toxic greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the environment when they break down. All of these things can be avoided if you donate your clothes for reuse and also your household items.

Therefore, it makes sense to give your clothes and household items a second life and pass them on to a charity organization. This protects the environment, does good and supports the vision of a sustainable circular economy.

Team Karachi has been on the forefront in encouraging people to donate their old stuff and bring smiles to the less privileged class of society. Items which are entertained for collection and redistribution include furniture, electronics, books, medicines, worn clothes, utensils, wood, metal and all the other kinds of entities.

The process is simply – you need to call from “contact us” our representatives and they will reach your house, factories, shops, or wherever you want and will collect the items.

1Sadqa-and-aqiqah--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTeam Karachi Welfare Society (International) also provides the services of Sadqa and Aqiqah at reasonable price in different areas of Karachi, Interior Sindh and Punjab. This meat is then distributed among the underprivileged in society.

1Sadqa-and-aqiqah--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTeam Karachi Welfare Society (International) also provides the services of Sadqa and Aqiqah at reasonable price in different areas of Karachi, Interior Sindh and Punjab. This meat is then distributed among the underprivileged in society.

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) Offers different Rozgar Projects, which include;

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) Offers different Rozgar Projects, which include;

4Silai-Center-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minA 6 month free course in three different shifts from morning to evening is provided to male members and after successful completion of the course students are given a certificate of completion and a Commercial Juki Machine. This ensures future self-sustainability.

Cost Per Student with Machine – PKR. 50,000/-

2Silai-Center-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minA 6month free course in three different shifts from morning to evening is provided to female members and after successful completion of the course students are given a certificate of completion and a Normal Machine. This ensures future self-sustainability.

Cost Per Student with Machine – PKR. 35,000/-

1Rozgar-project-Carts-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTK also provides cart to eligible people for selling their products on streets and markets.

Cost Per Cart  PKR 25,000/-

Rozgar-Project---Qarze-Hasna-Rozgar---Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTK also advocates on the traditional Qarz-e-Hasana model under their Rozgar project. Through this project the borrower ensures to pay back the amount borrowed, although the borrower can pay back extra money as thanks. This is used as an attempt to alleviate poverty and create economic growth.

Cost Per Individual              PKR. 50,000/- to 100,000/- (Zakat & Qarz-e-Hasana Model)

4Silai-Center-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minA 6 month free course in three different shifts from morning to evening is provided to male members and after successful completion of the course students are given a certificate of completion and a Commercial Juki Machine. This ensures future self-sustainability.

Cost Per Student with Machine – PKR. 50,000/-

2Silai-Center-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minA 6month free course in three different shifts from morning to evening is provided to female members and after successful completion of the course students are given a certificate of completion and a Normal Machine. This ensures future self-sustainability.

Cost Per Student with Machine – PKR. 35,000/-

1Rozgar-project-Carts-program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTK also provides cart to eligible people for selling their products on streets and markets.

Cost Per Cart  PKR 25,000/-

Rozgar-Project---Qarze-Hasna-Rozgar---Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minTK also advocates on the traditional Qarz-e-Hasana model under their Rozgar project. Through this project the borrower ensures to pay back the amount borrowed, although the borrower can pay back extra money as thanks. This is used as an attempt to alleviate poverty and create economic growth.

Cost Per Individual              PKR. 50,000/- to 100,000/- (Zakat & Qarz-e-Hasana Model)

Food Program

According to the global hunger report, food security is being threatened on numerous fronts, with growing conflicts, extreme weather owing to global climate change, and the economic and health issues posed by the covid-19 pandemic, all contributing to hunger. Food insecurity is about more than just a scarcity of food in the market. It also indicates a lack of sufficient funds to acquire food, let alone nutritious and wholesome foods.

Pakistan was ranked 92nd out of 116 nations in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) in the year 2021. The country has a level of hunger that is categorized as ‘serious’.  

According to the global hunger report, food security is being threatened on numerous fronts, with growing conflicts, extreme weather owing to global climate change, and the economic and health issues posed by the covid-19 pandemic, all contributing to hunger. Food insecurity is about more than just a scarcity of food in the market. It also indicates a lack of sufficient funds to acquire food, let alone nutritious and wholesome foods.

Pakistan was ranked 92nd out of 116 nations in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) in the year 2021. The country has a level of hunger that is categorized as ‘serious’.  

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) is working to its best to contribute to this growing challenge of food security by providing health and nutritious food items in far flung areas and also to attendees of patients in different hospital in the city.

Food-Program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minWe ensure that everything is of high quality and in the best possible, hygienic manner. Packaging is also done in high quality boxes so that food reaches the deserving in a dignified manner.

Through this intervention TK also provides employment opportunities within the community. Local resources are hired to keep the kitchen running.

Cost Per person for onetime Meal is PKR. 150

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) is working to its best to contribute to this growing challenge of food security by providing health and nutritious food items in far flung areas and also to attendees of patients in different hospital in the city.

Food-Program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---minWe ensure that everything is of high quality and in the best possible, hygienic manner. Packaging is also done in high quality boxes so that food reaches the deserving in a dignified manner.

Through this intervention TK also provides employment opportunities within the community. Local resources are hired to keep the kitchen running.

Cost Per person for onetime Meal is PKR. 150


Pakistan’s constitution ensures the right to education for children between the ages of five and 16, however we are far from achieving this basic right. As per estimates approximately 22.8 million children between the age 5-16 are out-of-school. Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children, representing 44 per cent of the total population in this age group.

Pakistan’s constitution ensures the right to education for children between the ages of five and 16, however we are far from achieving this basic right. As per estimates approximately 22.8 million children between the age 5-16 are out-of-school. Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children, representing 44 per cent of the total population in this age group.

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) has taken the burden to pay the tuition fee of those students who cannot afford to pay after checking their eligibility.

Cost Per Month for One Student – PKR.10,000/- for undergraduates

Team Karachi Welfare Society (International) has taken the burden to pay the tuition fee of those students who cannot afford to pay after checking their eligibility.

Cost Per Month for One Student – PKR.10,000/- for undergraduates

TK also supports existing Islamic Conventional Educational Institutions across the country by providing them with desired goods or cash on need basis.

TK also supports existing Islamic Conventional Educational Institutions across the country by providing them with desired goods or cash on need basis.


Team Karachi has adopted a dispensary in Jamia Ashrafya, Mankot, Multan. Approximately more than 15000 people benefit from the OPD services monthly. A full time qualified doctor is serving there on regular basis.

Monthly Expenses – PKR.200,000/- including medicines and other utilities   

Team Karachi has adopted a dispensary in Jamia Ashrafya, Mankot, Multan. Approximately more than 15000 people benefit from the OPD services monthly. A full time qualified doctor is serving there on regular basis.

Monthly Expenses – PKR.200,000/- including medicines and other utilities   

Emergency Relief

Unfortunate incidences are a trial from Allah the Almighty for His creation. Where on one hand they bring destruction and damage, on the other hand they bring opportunities for philanthropists and humanitarians.

Emergency-Relief-Covid-Flood-HeatStroke-Earthquake-Program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---min-(2.2)Our initiatives help disaster-affected communities meet their immediate food, non-food, shelter, health, and other needs. Community participation throughout the response, from assessments and planning through completion, ensures ownership, increased resilience, and support to the most vulnerable families.

The catastrophe brought about by the monsoon rains of 2012 is not hidden, it brought havoc across cities of Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Karampur, Sukkhur, Interior Lower Sindh and Upper Sindh. Fields and fields of crops were destroyed affecting millions of households, Team Karachi’s relief team instinctively helped these communities and after initial assessments Ration Packages and daily necessities were provided. We were also in the forefront of restoration of Masjids and Madarsas which were affected.

Unfortunate incidences are a trial from Allah the Almighty for His creation. Where on one hand they bring destruction and damage, on the other hand they bring opportunities for philanthropists and humanitarians.

Emergency-Relief-Covid-Flood-HeatStroke-Earthquake-Program--Team-Karachi-Welfare-Society---min-(2.2)Our initiatives help disaster-affected communities meet their immediate food, non-food, shelter, health, and other needs. Community participation throughout the response, from assessments and planning through completion, ensures ownership, increased resilience, and support to the most vulnerable families.

The catastrophe brought about by the monsoon rains of 2012 is not hidden, it brought havoc across cities of Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Karampur, Sukkhur, Interior Lower Sindh and Upper Sindh. Fields and fields of crops were destroyed affecting millions of households, Team Karachi’s relief team instinctively helped these communities and after initial assessments Ration Packages and daily necessities were provided. We were also in the forefront of restoration of Masjids and Madarsas which were affected.

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Marriage Assistance

Due to the rise in poverty in Pakistan, underprivileged and/or people living below the poverty

Masjid & Maktab Projects

Team Karachi believes in smart construction of Mosques and Makatib-e-Quraniya through its project where TK

Water Projects

At Team Karachi Welfare Society (International), we offer a wide range of Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects to

Join your hand with us for a better life and future

Join your hand with us for a better life and future