To strive for excellence  in welfare activities

unlimited Goal
0 ₨ Raised

Masjid & Maktab Projects

Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Team Karachi Welfare Society
  2. Account# 0197-0105595095
  3. IBAN# PK46MEZN00001970105595095
  4. Meezan bank Limited
  5. Sarafabad Branch karachi
  6. Saving account


  1. Account# 3516301000001226
  2. IBAN# PK07FAYS3516301000001226

📞Phone No: 021 35151459
📱Whatsapp no: +92 3012502195
📧Email address:
🅰Address: Plot No. 1/45, sector 35 B Near Baldia
Homeopathic Dispensary Korangi  No. 4, Karachi, City, Sindh, Pakistan

Your donation is greatly appreciated - JAZAKA-ALLAH O KHAIYRAN 🌹


Donation Total: 1,000.00 ₨

Allah (swt) guarantees to record these continuous acts of charity in the following verse:

إِنّا نَحنُ نُحيِي المَوتىٰ وَنَكتُبُ ما قَدَّموا وَآثارَهُم ۚ وَكُلَّ شَيءٍ أَحصَيناهُ في إِمامٍ مُبينٍ

“Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have accounted for in a clear register.” (Qur’an, 36:12)
At Team Karachi Welfare Society (International), we offer a wide range of Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects to suit every budget. From Masjid & Maktab Projects to Water Projects. Our Sadaqa-e-Jaria projects enable people to help themselves beyond the initial intervention, ensuring that they reap the benefits for years to come InshaAllah!

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“For one who builds a Mosque for Allah where Allah is remembered, Allah will build a house in Paradise for him” (Muslim)

The importance of mosques in a Muslim society cannot be overlooked. It is the basic structure of an Islamic society and center for support, worship, social and cultural activities. It is a source of inspiration for Muslims, promotes brotherhood among them, and serves as a center of teaching and learning and a center of community welfare. Allah Almighty has promised to bless the homes of those people who build a mosque in many folds not only in this world but in the life after as well. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also started the construction of mosques at first priority after Hijrah to Madina Munawwarah. In Islam special prominence has been to the construction of mosques and to their roles in society.

Team Karachi believes in smart construction of Mosques and Makatib-e-Quraniya through its project where TK hires professional people from within the local community – also opening ventures for jobs. During the last couple of years, TK has constructed and rehabilitated around 47 mosques in various parts of the country especially in the rural areas of interior Sindh and Punjab. Majority of these mosques also provide informal education to children in the form of “Maktab School” both Islamic and conventional education. An estimated number of 640 children are getting benefits from these projects through at 16 Makaatib-e-Quraniya.

Team Karachi also provides support in repairs and maintenance in some cases. 

Cost of a mosque varies on case to case basis from PKR.1 million to 10 million.